What Are The 3 Types of Lasers For Cutting?

Walking into the realm of laser cutting, you may wonder about the powerhouses driving the precision and efficiency behind those immaculate cuts. I mean, we’re talking about slicing through solid materials as if they were butter! But what’s the magic wand that makes this happen? It’s none other than the mighty lasers.

We’re diving deep into the world of the three pivotal lasers for cutting – CO2, Fiber, and Nd:YAG/Nd:YVO. Buckle up, folks; it’s going to be an illuminating ride! 

With a myriad of options in the market, why focus on these three? Well, each brings its unique prowess to the table, offering distinct advantages and challenges. Ready to dive deep? Let’s embark on this enlightening journey together! 

CO2 Lasers

CO2 laser,dubbed the ‘workhorse’ of the laser world, this marvel has been around since the early days of laser technology. Its genesis can be traced back to 1964, when Kumar Patel at Bell Labs developed this gem

CO2 lasers, as their name suggests, primarily utilize a gas mixture with Carbon Dioxide (CO2) being the lasing medium. This gas is electrically stimulated to produce a laser beam with a wavelength of around 10.6 micrometers. But why is this important? Well, this particular wavelength is adept at cutting, boring, and engraving, especially when it comes to non-metal materials like plastics (including acrylic), woods,foams,rubber and ceramics. 

A CO2 laser consists of a gas-filled tube, where electricity is applied to excite the CO2 molecules, resulting in the emission of light. This light gets amplified within the tube and is emitted as a concentrated laser beam. Simple, yet effective! 

What truly sets CO2 lasers apart in the cutting arena is their versatility. They can comfortably handle a wide range of materials, from delicate acrylics to tougher woods. This flexibility, combined with their affordability, makes them a popular choice for various industries. 

But, like all things in life, they come with their set of challenges. Their longer wavelength means they aren’t as efficient at cutting metals when compared to their fiber or Nd:YAG counterparts. They also require a fair bit of maintenance, ensuring that the gas mixture remains optimal. 

However, with advancements in technology, newer CO2 laser models have emerged, offering improved efficiency and longevity. They now boast enhanced beam quality, faster cutting speeds, and have become more energy-efficient. These advancements make them an excellent option for businesses that require diverse cutting capabilities without breaking the bank.

Fiber Lasers

Now let’s talk Fiber lasers – the new-age marvels that have been turning heads in the laser cutting community. Over my tenure with Worthy Hardware, I’ve watched them rise in prominence and can vouch for their prowess. They’re like the swanky sports cars of the laser world – fast, efficient, and cutting-edge (pun intended!). 

Fiber laser utilizes a solid gain medium, which is an optical fiber doped with rare-earth elements such as erbium, ytterbium, neodymium, and so forth. This unique structure amplifies light in a radically different way compared to gas lasers like CO2. 

It starts to work when diode lasers (known as pump diodes) shoot light into the fiber optic core. This light is then bounced back and forth within the confines of this core, allowing the rare-earth ions in the fiber to interact and amplify the light multiple times. The end result? A highly concentrated and powerful laser beam perfect for precise cutting applications. 

The primary allure of Fiber lasers lies in their efficiency and precision. They boast shorter wavelengths (around 1.07 micrometers), making them particularly adept at cutting metals. Be it stainless steel, aluminum, brass, or even titanium, Fiber lasers handle them with panache. But that’s not all; their modular setup means they are more energy-efficient, require minimal maintenance, and have a longer lifespan compared to traditional CO2 lasers.

However, it has some drawbacks. The initial investment for a Fiber laser is higher. Yet, given their operational efficiency, lower maintenance costs, and longevity, the return on investment can be quite attractive for businesses focused on long-term growth. 

Nd:YAG/Nd:YVO Lasers

Nd:YAG stands for Neodymium-doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet, while Nd:YVO denotes Neodymium-doped Yttrium Orthovanadate. These crystals are doped with neodymium ions and serve as the core for these laser systems. 

The core of Nd:YAG lasers is a synthetic crystal. This crystal, when excited by light, produces a laser beam with a wavelength of approximately 1.06 micrometers. On the other hand, Nd:YVO lasers operate on a similar principle but utilize a slightly different crystal composition. This subtle distinction in their makeup can lead to differences in beam quality, power, and efficiency. 

Their mode of operation begins with a flashlamp or diode that pumps light into the doped crystal. As the light interacts with the neodymium ions in the crystal, it amplifies the light, producing a potent laser beam. The beam’s characteristics can be further refined by using external mirrors, giving users a high degree of control over its properties. 

One of the standout features of Nd:YAG and Nd:YVO lasers is their adaptability. They can be used in a Continuous Wave (CW) mode for tasks that demand consistent power, like metal welding or deep engraving. Conversely, they can also be pulsed for tasks that require high peak power but shorter durations, such as precision cutting or perforation.

Their shorter wavelength, compared to CO2 lasers, enables them to cut metals with impressive precision. The beam quality also allows them to be focused on incredibly small spots, making them ideal for detailed work or applications that demand intricate designs.

However, operating these lasers isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. They can be more energy-intensive compared to fiber lasers and often require active cooling systems. The initial setup and maintenance costs can also be on the higher side, demanding a substantial investment. Yet, their unparalleled precision and adaptability often justify this investment for businesses that require their unique capabilities.

Considering the broader landscape, while CO2 lasers are like reliable old trucks and fiber lasers resemble high-speed sports cars, Nd:YAG/Nd:YVO lasers can be likened to Swiss army knives. They may not always be the first choice for every application, but when precision, flexibility, and adaptability are paramount, they truly shine.

Comparison Among the Three

When choosing a laser for cutting, it’s essential to consider factors such as material compatibility, cutting speed, precision, maintenance, and overall cost of ownership. As with any tool, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer; the best choice largely depends on specific needs and applications.

To aid in making an informed decision, let’s compare these lasers side by side:

Feature CO2 Lasers Fiber Lasers Nd:YAG/Nd:YVO Lasers
Wavelength Around 10.6 micrometers Around 1.07 micrometers Approximately 1.06 micrometers
Primary Use Non-metals (plastics, woods, ceramics) Metals (steel, aluminum, brass) Metals, precision tasks, intricate designs
Efficiency Moderate High Moderate to High
Maintenance Regular, with gas refills Minimal Regular, with active cooling systems
Cutting Speed Moderate Fast Variable (based on CW or pulsed mode)
Initial Cost Lower to Moderate Higher High
Operational Cost Moderate Low due to high energy efficiency Higher due to active cooling and energy consumption
Best For Versatility across multiple materials Fast, precise metal cutting Precision tasks, flexibility, adaptability

  • CO2 Lasers: These are jack-of-all-trades, especially proficient with non-metals. They’re versatile, cost-effective, and widely used. However, they might not always be the best for metals or when ultra-high precision is needed.
  • Fiber Lasers: The champions of metal cutting. They are fast, efficient, and require minimal maintenance, but come with a higher initial price tag. Over time, however, the ROI can be favorable given their operational efficiencies.
  • Nd:YAG/Nd:YVO Lasers: Swiss army knives of the laser world. They are adaptable, precise, and ideal for specialized tasks. Their operational cost can be higher, but their unmatched precision often justifies the expense.


The world of laser cutting is as intricate as the designs these lasers produce. Through our exploration, we’ve unearthed the distinct characteristics, strengths, and challenges of CO2, Fiber, and Nd:YAG/Nd:YVO lasers. Each of these lasers, in its unique way, has shaped and continues to influence the landscape of laser cutting across various industries.

At Worthy Hardware, we’ve been fortunate to experience the evolution of these lasers firsthand, harnessing their power to deliver unparalleled results to our clients spanning continents from Europe to North America and beyond. Through each project, we’ve reinforced our belief that understanding your tools deeply is the bedrock of innovation and excellence.
